
Welcome! My name is Dylan, and I am a recent convert to Catholicism. I grew up a Lutheran, but I was never satisfied with the lackluster answers I was given regarding Biblical authorship & interpretation, the afterlife, the nature of evil, and other similar topics. Fueled by an itch to better understand my beliefs, I investigated a variety of Christian denominations, and even other religions altogether! In 2023, I found Catholicism and was absorbed by the ocean of philosophy and theology that it contains.

Saint Ambrose of Milan describes my desire for understanding with characteristic precision in “On the Duties of the Clergy

“In all men, then, there lies, in accordance with human nature, a desire to search out the truth, which leads us on to have a longing for knowledge and learning, and infuses into us a wish to seek after it. To excel in this seems a noble thing to mankind; but there are only few who attain to it. And they, by deep thought, by careful deliberation, spend no little labour so as to be able to attain to that blessed and virtuous life, and to approach its likeness in their actions. For not he that says to Me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that does those things that I say. (Matthew 7:21). To have a desire for knowledge without actions to correspond — well! I do not know whether that carries anything more with it.

Book 1, Chapter 26, Number 125

In keeping with the tradition of Saint Ambrose, Doctor of the Church, I encourage everyone who reads my blog to not take their beliefs for granted – questions are healthy and investigation is noble. Done in good faith and with the necessary rigor, a deep dive into your spirituality can lead you to “that blessed and virtuous life”.

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